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Those persons willing to join Catalonian Airlines should pass and succeed an aptitude test to prove their knowlege and capacities concerning basic skills in commercial flight. Before asking for this test the applicant must certify a minimum of 12 hours connected to VATSIM and afford two diplomas issued by the Flight School of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (see section 6.1 of the Internal Regulations - "Reglament de Règim Intern"). While these admission requirements are not fulfilled, those applicants are considered and named "student pilot" and they do not belong to the company.

Any person 13 years of age or older may apply for joining Catalonian Airlines. For those applicants under 13 years it is mandatory the written consent of their parents, legal tutors or legal representatives before being accepted as student pilot. Any member of Catalonian Airlines under 18 years of age is not allowed to vote in any common decision taken by the members of the company nor are allowed to elect or be elected as a member of the staff.

Any person becoming student pilot or company pilot of Catalonian Airlines accepts implicitly all the contents of the Internal Regulations ("Reglament de Règim Intern") of the company from the moment he/she is accepted as student pilot. Any applicant or member of the company must, at least, be able to read and understand the Catalan language and to write Catalan or English as to communicate correctly with the rest of the members.

Catalonian Airlines reserves the rights of admission at any time of any student pilot or company pilot that do not meet these Internal Regulations or other regulations to be applied in the VATSIM environment.


Real pilots may have special conditions for admittance. If this is the case of any applicant and agrees with the point 4.1. above, please send an email to info@catalonian-airlines.cat for more information.


1. Elect and be elected for any staff or representative positions as long as the elections take place one year or more after the membership is accepted.
2. Develop the tasks for which has been commited.
3. Transmit to the staff any opinion or proposal which may contribute to a improve the performance of the company or the eficacy to achieve its objectives.
4. Request explanations and obtain responses on any issue concerning the administration and management performed by the staff.
5. Receive information on the activities of the company.
6. Take part in the working groups of the company as long as the requirements for belonging are met.
7. Obtain a copy of the Internal Regulations ("Reglament de Règim Intern").


1. Own a valid and functional email account according to VATSIM requirements.
2. Belong and be fully operational in the mail list of members of Catalonian Airlines.
3. Fly not less than 10 hours per semester including a minimum of three cycles (three takeoffs and its landings).
4. When the pilot is licensed for international flights, one of the cycles cited in the point above must be flown in one of the routes demanding this license.
5. Engage with the purposes of the airline and actively participate in achieving them.
6. Fulfill any obligations resulting from the internal regulations.

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